The next job is to apply the paint to the Spitfires. One is in what is known as Scheme A and the other B. The schemes look similar but they are mirrored left to right from each other.



To make the interior of the canopies look like the rest if the unterior, they were sprayed with interior green. To make the glass colour fast, they were then sprayed black. This highlighted some gaps in the canopies which were filled with Vallejo plastic putty.



When the canopies were sorted, the airframes were primed with Vallejo white primer. This highlighted some issues with the wing roots, so it was out with the Vallejo putty again.



I preshaded the underside with dark grey. The top side was only [reshaded around the control surfaces as most would be hidden by the top paint.



The wing gear bays were sprayed with Vallejo Metal Color Aluminium.



The underside of the round wing aircraft is RAF Sky. Lifecolor has two versions of this, which both look the samem, so I picked one at random.



I masked the gear bays using dampened loo roll.



The round wing Spitfire was sprayed with Sky and the mask removed from the gear bays.



Both aircraft have a sky band round the rear fuselage.



The clipped wing Spitfire has a light grey underside. I don't have an exact match, not sure there is one in the lifecolor range, so I chose Light Gull Grey which is close.



The round wing aircraft is RAF Dark Earth and RAF Dark Green on the top sides.



The clopped wing Spitfire is Ocean Grey and Dark Green. I don't have an exact match for the grey, so I used Dark Sea Grey instead which is pretty close.



Firstly the brown was sprayed on.



In a sign of pure organisation, after spraying the brown and grey and cleaning the airbrush I realised I hadn't painted the tailplanes! So these were hand painted.



As another sign of brilliance I appear to have forgotten to take a photo of the grey paint before masking the aircraft for the green coat.



It doesn't look it, but the green went on next. It may be a little too olive green but hopefully that will look better after some matt varnish later.



With the masking removed, the greens look better, though even though they are the same colour, they look different. It's amazing sometime how colurs can change depending on what is around them.



In yet another sign of brilliance, I forgot to paint the yellow on the leading edge of the clipped wing aircraft. This should have done before the main colours but I forgot. So the leading edges were masked and sprayed with some white primer to level out the colour and make it easier for the yellow to cover.



The next job is to touch up a couple of scratches vefore sealing the paint ready for decals.